Learning Through Play

Ofsted Report

“Children demonstrate that they are happy and eager to play in the nurturing and stimulating environment. They have established strong bonds with their key person and separate from their parents with ease.

Teaching is good, and leaders are committed to providing high-quality care and education. Staff use both assessment and information provided by parents to plan activities, considering children’s interests and what they need to learn next.

Babies demonstrate that they feel safe and comfortable in the welcoming environment.

Children are articulate talkers. They discuss why they have been watering the plants and share their excitement when they find a snail in the garden. Children kindly say, ‘We must be careful and look after him.’

Children are well behaved. They take care of resources and help to tidy them away.

They have lovely manners and are kind to each other. For instance, children tell their friends to sit next to them so they are not on their own.

oscar bears nursery sussex

Overall Effectiveness


Quality of Education


Behaviour and Attitudes


Personal Development


Leadership and Management

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Snippets from Ofsted

Ofsted July 2023 Highlights

Parents say that they feel welcomed and involved in their children’s learning and that communication is excellent. They mention that staff are loving and attentive and that the leadership team is always approachable and available

Children demonstrate a love of books. They seek books out in the setting, either for reference or to read alone or with friends. Staff plan unique ways to engage children in literacy and creativity.

Leaders are highly ambitious and demonstrate a passion for what they do. They have high expectations for the children and staff. Training is positively encouraged, and staff are supported to pursue their own professional development.

Staff share detailed information about children’s prior learning and routines with teachers. This ensures a seamless transition, and children are able to continue their learning with enthusiasm and confidence.

A key strength of the nursery is the well-planned transitions that reflect the individual needs of children and babies. This ensures that all children are well prepared for the next stage within the nursery or for moving on to school.

From a young age, children learn the importance of keeping healthy and supporting their own needs. They enjoy a varied diet, and older children discuss healthy food choices with staff.

Since having Theo at Oscar Bears he’s grown in confidence, his speech has developed so quickly and he is always so excited to tell me about his day when we pick him up.

Theo's Mummy